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About Us

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in Meru Kenya stands in the tradition of Churches that have been called Particular Baptist, or Strict & Particular Baptist, and are often referred to as Reformed Baptists. Our doctrinal roots go back to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. This Confession of Faith is very, very similar to the Westminster Confession of the Presbyterian Church (1646). This was a document of the Puritans and was greatly influenced by Calvin and the Reformation. This is why we are happy to be called ‘Reformed’ Baptists.

We take the whole Bible, the 66 commonly received books of the Old and New Testaments, as our confession of faith. Although we accept no man-made confession as finally authoritative, we receive the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith as true to the Bible, and adopt it as the fullest expression of our faith.

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